Employment-Based Green Card May 2023 Bulletin

It’s time to sharpen those pencils and get ready for the race because the US Department of State has just released its May 2023 Visa Bulletin.

The Bulletin includes the all-important Dates for Filing Visa Applications chart and Application Final Action Dates chart – two things that will be key to taking the first steps to permanent residence in the US.

According to the May Visa Bulletin, final action dates will be as follows:

EB-1: It’s a frustratingly familiar picture in the EB-1 category, with China and India still stuck in a state of limbo – February 1, 2022. For everyone else, though, the Final Action Date is current.

EB-2: The next category, EB-2, shows no change from the April bulletin – China remained on June 8, 2019, and Mexico, the Philippines, and the rest of the world on February 15, 2022. India remained on January 1, 2011.

EB-3 Professionals and Skilled Workers: As for our third category, EB-3, Mexico, the Philippines, Central America, and the rest of the world are on June 1, 2022. Mainland China languishes on April 1, 2019, while India is still stuck on June 15, 2012.

EB-3 Other Workers: For those of you in the EB-3 Other category, there are no changes here either – Mexico, India, Philippines, and the rest of the world remain at their original Action Date. But if you are from Mainland China, you get a lucky break – your final Action Date is current as of September 1, 2015. So chin up, Mainlanders! You’ve got something to be happy about.

On the other hand, the Filing Dates Chart is a bit of a roller coaster ride for everyone – we see dates jumping around all over the place.

According to the May 2023 Visa Bulletin, employment dates for filing will be as follows:

EB-1: In the EB-1 category, all countries except for China and India remain current.

EB-2: In EB-2, Mexico, the Philippines, and the rest of the world are in the same boat, but China and India remain back in 2019 and 2012, respectively.

EB-3 Skilled and Professional workers: It’s not much better in the EB-3 category, with Mexico, the Philippines, Central America, and the rest of the world staying at May 1, 2023, with China and India still lagging at June 1, 2019, and August 1, 2012.

EB-3 Other Workers: To top it all off, EB-3 Other sees Mexico, the Philippines, and the rest of the world remain on February 1, 2020 – while China and India both stay back on January 1, 2016, and August 1, 2012, respectively.

All in all, the world is in for a long wait until visa numbers come up to date. But don’t worry – just keep your eyes on the prize, and you’ll eventually get there. Just make sure to check back regularly for updates and maybe even break out the popcorn while you wait – it could take a while.

So don’t worry if you’re stuck behind the EB-3 line – it’s a long wait, but at least you can take comfort in knowing that everyone’s in the same boat.

Just keep your chin up, and don’t forget to take a break for some popcorn every now and then. It’ll be worth it in the end.